Gender responsible creating policies at the local level

2 days
8 sessions
10-30 participants

Programme goals

The main goals of the programme were to raise awareness about the possibility of gender concepts being integrated into the processes of creating local economic and other policies while applying different tools in the policy-making cycle.

Gender responsible for creating local policies speaks to the importance of effective planning in the process of creating local policies and the inclusion of gender aspects at all stages of the process (in creating a vision for change, analysis based on evidence, defining scenarios, decision making, risk management and policy assessment)

Contribution towards development of knowledge, skills and competences

At the end of the training the participants will:

  • Understand the importance of effective planning in the process of creating local policies and involving gender aspects
  • Understand the importance of integrating gender aspects at all stages of local policy making
  • Improve their skills in creating local policies (creating a vision for change, analyzing evidence-based, defining scenarios, making decisions, managing risks, and evaluating policies).
  • Improve the efficiency of the operation by using practical tools

Programme content

  • Basic concepts of gender equality and inclusion of gender aspects in the creation of local policies with a focus on economic policies
  • Effective planning in the policy-making process and the inclusion of gender aspects
  • Integration of gender aspects at all stages of the policy-making process
  • Creating a vision for change,
  • Gender analysis based on evidence,
  • Preparation of strategic actions
  • Gender responsible budgeting in local economic policies, concept and understanding

Programme coordinator

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska

Neda Maleska Sacmaroska has long professional experience in the domain of organizational and institutional development both in public administration and civil society sector. Her special interests are in public policies and public administration, institutional and organisational development, strategy, human resource management and development, management of change.

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