Gender responsible policy making and budgeting in ministries and state administration bodies

3 days
12 sessions
24 hours
10-30 participants

Programme goals

The aim of the programme is to encourage understanding of the importance of including gender equality in the processes of creating, monitoring, and evaluating public policies, followed by appropriate budgetary implications.

The training emphasizes the importance, but also gives practical knowledge on how gender aspects become an integral part of all these processes and thus put an end to inequality, while taking into account the different priorities of men and women.

This approach is a model of essential equity that is not only affected by equal opportunities but also by the fairness of the results in the implementation of state policies.

Contribution towards development of knowledge, skills and competences

At the end of the training the participants will:

  • Understand the importance of policy makers in applying gender responsive budgeting to central institutions
  • Have insight into how to ensure consistency between strategic commitments and priorities and gender issues
  • Understand the concept of gender responsible budgeting and will be able to apply it in their daily work.
  • Be aware of the obligations arising from the Methodology for gender responsible budgeting

Programme content

  • Policy Making Framework and Gender Aspects in Policy Making
  • Gender responsible budgeting
  • Application does not provide security steps
  • Creating vision and policy goals
  • Analysis and use of evidence in policy making processes
  • Establish gender-sensitive baseline indicators
  • Method: Case study
  • Policy-making skills: analysis of key actors and
  • impact analysis - FIVE analysis
  • Creating scenarios for gender sensitive policies
  • Problem solving and decision making - creative thinking
  • Risk analysis
  • Reporting on gender-sensitive initiatives
  • Gender responsible budgeting methodology

Programme coordinator

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska

Neda Maleska Sacmaroska has long professional experience in the domain of organizational and institutional development both in public administration and civil society sector. Her special interests are in public policies and public administration, institutional and organisational development, strategy, human resource management and development, management of change.

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