Project management and project teams

5 days
20 sessions
30 hours
10-20 participants

Programme goals

Project management is complex due to the variety of interventions that can be undertaken and the large number of parties involved. It combines approaches, the use of different instruments and the fitting of these approaches and instruments into the administrative systems and procedures of the organizations involved.

The training approach focuses on three key areas: creating a common understanding of the process, concepts, and decision-making criteria; encouraging a sense of ownership and commitment by adequately involving all stakeholders, and improving the learning capacity of the actors involved in the intervention.

Contribution towards development of knowledge, skills and competences

At the end of the training the participants will:

  • Understand the role of project cycle management and know the steps of goal-oriented project-oriented planning methodology;
  • They know how to identify problems and goals, and understand the use of the logical framework as a management tool;
  • They know how to develop a logical framework, with defined indicators and sources of verification;
  • Know how to use indicators in the implementation and misleading process;
  • They know how to analyze project performance: risks / assumptions and conditions / prerequisites
  • They know how to make an action plan;
  • Familiar with methodologies for allocating appropriate resources (financial, human and material);
  • Understand communication with the actors involved in the project;
  • Understand the steps of systematic assessment and methods of effective project evaluation.

Programme content

  • Project cycle management;
  • TOPP (targeted oriented project planning);
  • Problem analysis, goal analysis;
  • Selection of a strategy for project and development of a logical framework;
  • Defining assumptions and preconditions in the logical framework;
  • Defining indicators in the logical framework;
  • Allocation of resources and budgeting;
  • Observation (monitoring system, information flow and observation plan);
  • Assessment (assessment methods, description of competencies)
  • Communication in the project team

Programme coordinator

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska

Neda Maleska Sacmaroska has long professional experience in the domain of organizational and institutional development both in public administration and civil society sector. Her special interests are in public policies and public administration, institutional and organisational development, strategy, human resource management and development, management of change.

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